Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Frustration: Much Ado About Nothing II

You know, its been quite a long while that I haven’t really enjoyed my Saturday’s and Sundays fully and given that fact I have earned that right, I still miss work. For the past 2 weekends, I have told my guys to stay off work and just rest. Last week was a disaster… not long before the clock even crossed the afternoon mark, my guys were calling me up, ‘Sir, can I go to the site? I need to see the conditions there….’…. I reiterated ‘No’ from every phone call I answered and added.. ‘hey, you guys are supposed to be glad you are on vacation on the weekends (because for the past 6 months… weekends were work)…’

All my engineers felt so restless that they were raring to go on Monday. And so, I had a meeting with them on Monday and they told me:
‘Sir, please don’t let us stay in the hotel during weekends…’ I said bro… I have to because I am not going to pay you during weekends now because there are no more sites to work on and I cannot justify my cost of letting you go to the site and claim your OT….
They pleaded again to me… ‘Sir, I wont claim for OT… I just want to work for free… I just want to get out of this boredom…’ ….. I replied… ‘boredom or not, you guys are staying put… no one’s going to the site… I am letting you rest’.

You see… the thing is, they will use the car when they go to the site and gasoline these days aren’t cheap by the way…. Its not just about paying their OT… its about the gas as well. I too need to control my cost because I cannot justify the escalating costs vs progress anymore. It’s my duty as a PM.

But it’s a relief to know that my guys have been trained well. partially also because, there’s absolutely nothing to do here in the BICOL… no cinemas (there is in fact, but substandard conditions), no bowling alleys, no form of entertainment known to 20th century mankind, nothing, zit… wala… mei you… end of story.

Hence, over the weekend, I managed myself quite decently in front of my television watching reruns of CNN, Discovery Channel, Star Movies and HBO (Gladiator, Hot Fuzz, Ocean’s Thirteen, Fly Boys, etc).

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