Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January Morning After

It has been almost 1 month since I last wrote. January has been tough going but it was a bittersweet ride. Soon, I will be home again for CNY and the latter will be the start of Phase 8. A lot of changes have taken place but first, CONGRATULATIONS to Khun Chat for having a newborn into this world. The first cub for the animal kingdom!

Christmas came and went by but I must say, it has been the same wonderful period every year. This year's Christmas party was even grander than the previous. This time around, it was held in Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Makati.

From Left: Khun Chat Chai, Johnny (Project Director), Me, and Chee Boon Siang (Deputy PD)

The Gang (from L-R): Chat Chai, Me, Johnny, Chee, Arric

Recession looms in, and I have heard of many lay offs and VSS's being issued... but Thank God, we are surviving in the world of Telecoms and we are spared indirectly. The logic to it is that everyone makes calls, and we are here to connect everyone. In this modern 21st, telecommunications is more of a necessity rather than a luxury. However, I am still keeping my fingers crossed so as to hope that it doesnt drag us down further in this rather precarious situation.

Obama was inaugurated today. Good news? We'll see....

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