Saturday, January 01, 2005

Let's Begin

The year ends again... and next comes a new one. But this was a special year; 2004. Natural disasters, war, and femine grabbed all the headlines. Not much I can remember of except sufferings and lost of loved ones. This must be the most forgettable year of all in a decade. Never have humans ever witnessed such sufferings. Iraq was likened to the killing fields of Vietnam, genocide in Sudan, and natural catastrophes all are very distressing pictures that will remain in our minds for as long as we live. Whenever the tv is turned on these days, disturbing images are beamed and we would be forgiven if we thought that a movie was showing.

I would like to forget about 2004 as we usher the year 2005 in. Not many years or for that matter, never have I forgotten any year in that respect as I greet the new one in and may this be the first and last. The only light side of this year was when snow greeted my wonderful Christmas at 8.15pm which coincidentally was the first in many years right on Christmas Day in Liverpool. Turbulence, distress and the limbo factor was all but prevalent in my 365days in 2004. May the next year, today onwards in 2005, everything will be in place and let us pray that the world is a safer place to live in. Happy New Year to all out there.

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