Friday, November 17, 2006

Week III: Midweek

Today could have so easily been close to 8 years. Any wonder why? or how? would it have been better? my heart says yes. OR also probably not. No one knows. The picturesque is stuck. Its like the cameraman was hit and is lying on top rustling leaves with its camera still rolling. Leaves keep falling, people keep on walking by, not noticing. Even the sniper has left the scene. And the cameraman is still lying in the park, not knowing what zapped him, or hit him. Green and yellowish leaves fall, and gentle breeze huff and puffs them all over. The cameraman is still lying in the park. He turns to a pauper. Not at wealth but at heart. Not knowing what had hit him. Waking up from reality is hard. BUT waking up with conscience not haunting you... is GREAT. No one needs that. Not me, not you, not anyone.

Today is Friday. Same ol' same ol'...

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