Sunday, February 04, 2007

Week XV: First Home Base

Sitted at Starbucks on a beautiful Sunday morning, this is the first real taste of relaxation under the account of my own space since I returned home. I have longed for these Sundays for a very very long time. No work, no stress, no pressure, no work related phone calls, no disturbances, no mind boggling plans, NOTHING! Under a makeshift palm tree at Starbucks Ipoh, with earplugs and songs of solitude, I can at least watch the world go by without a single worry! This feels good. In Pakistan, all these were non-existent and it was harsh reality the first day I was there. Foregoing all that I have been so used to wasn't easy but I guess its all part of the game plan for me to appreciate all that I have left behind 3 months ago.

People here are curious to know what I am smiling about with my Mocha Frap with Java chips as I am lounged on a comfy chair with my legs on the other in a sunbathing position, blogging my way out, and doing whatever I GOD damn feel is of due time. I am not going to even think about my return flight back to Pakistan for now. All I am more interested now is to ease up and chill.

Pakistan, in all its might, is Malaysia 30 years back in terms of conservativeness and structural splendour. However, all is not lost, some progress is better than none. Not too bad a place to work in, that is in Islamabad ONLY, the rest are a bit way behind. Being there has taught me loads and I am not going to deny that. Having been to numerous cities in AP and EU, I have come back to learn more and more on how to appreciate my own country. Most dont know that. Many take it for granted... the part which I hate to admit, is part of the Malaysian 'bo chap' attitude. Of course its sad but this is the way it is unfortunately. Malaysia is truly gifted!

The sun is beginning to set and as I look up to the horizon, I feel a sense of declaration proclaiming my sanity to the world. After a week of madness in KL, its all superlified cool in Ipoh. Trust me, its easy to forget the project on the other side of the world. I am immersed in a total hibernation mode now. :-)

More laters... let me enjoy the moment.

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