Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blink & Think!

Psychological Literature Warfare:

Isn’t it cool that we have novelty rivals trying to outdo others in the literature world. Check this out…

The one on the left would be 'Blink' by Malcolm Gladwell, a recent book that I have indulged in that says and tells all about the power of thinking without thinking, meaning, the perception developed at first sight for the first 2 seconds and how you can master that judgment.

The one on the right is 'Th!nk' by Michael R.LeGault, a book that tells you NOT TO BLINK but THINK and why crucial decisions can’t be made in the blink of an eye… quite the opposite of what I am reading now.

So, this makes it really weird. Guess I will have a swing at ‘Th!nk’ when I finish with ‘Blink’.

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