Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pakistan: 4 Weeks On...

It’s hard to imagine or even relate to anyone how else Pakistan is to me. Before, a strange land with nothing of interest to me, and now, I have been here for 4 months… and what else more to say except for a few “wow’s” and “pheeewwws”.

Rustling purplish leaves adorn the roadside speaks of spring in its best offering. Before, barren trees greeted my first visit to Pakistan signifying the harsh winter heading my way. Been there and done that. I went through Autumn end, Winter, now Spring and I will be here for the Summer. 4 seasons in Pakistan… never have I thought I would spend 4 seasons in another country other than UK.

Also, from the many places I have been and being an avid gazer for the Orion’s belt, I have never seen a clearer dictation of constellations than in Pakistan. It is almost obvious and visible from the very clear skies in Pakistan.

These days, I am traveling more than I have been in the previous 3 months when I was here. There’ll be more to come … site visits, inspection… etc… and every single evening wherever and whatever I am doing, sunsets brings in a relieving camaderie that soon enough, it’ll be all over… because after sunset, there will be sunrise and that’s the best part of it. Its like there is still hope…

Beautiful sunset eclipsing in just minutes, summarizing the end of a long hard day at work....

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