Monday, April 23, 2007

Pakistan Ingenuity: Land of Flies: Part II

No... I am not trying to disintegrate myself from Pakistan because I work here but it just seems ever pointless trying to close one eye and pretend its all ok.

This happened a while ago about 3 weeks back when I climbed onto a taxi... but it happened again today.

Me: Goto F-8/4?
Taxi Driver: Yes
Me: You know where?.... St 61?
TD: Yes
Me: How much?
TD: As you wish, Sir...
Me: Ok... (proclaiming a fair price would be Rs30 since the distance from my last taxi ride which cost me Rs40 was farther)

After 5 minutes....

TD: Where St 61?
Me: Huh? I thought you knew?
TD: Where Sir...
Me: (ok ok... never mind... ) errr... turn right etc etc.....

Arrival at destination...

Me: Thank you... (while paying him Rs30)
TD: (looks at me in disbelief).... Sir... what is this?
Me: Money... you know Rupees... I paid you Pakistani Rupees... did I? I hope I did not give you Indian Rupees... (I was actually taking the piss off him)....
TD: Sir... Rs40....
Me: I thought you said "As I wished?"
TD: Not enough...
Me: Of course its not enough... its Rs10 short... so? it's my wish, right?
TD: Errr... (quiet.....)

To avoid further time wasting, I gave him another Rs10. Bottomline is, confirm the price before you get on a taxi first... minimum payment to a taxi driver anywhere in Islamabad is Rs40... remember that!

Secondly, winter's out. Spring's in... but I wasnt expecting summer to be here that quickly. In fact, the flies are out and they are absolutely basking in it. I know flies are everywhere in the world... even in Malaysia... but the flies in Pakistan are more human friendly than those back home. Even when there's nothing for them to salvage (rubbish or drains)... they still flock around humans and create that nauseatic and annoying sound and irritation! It's beginning to get on my good nerves that I have been preserving. Therefore, before I go further in purchasing one of those electric zappers... please do me a favor Mr. Fly, and get the hell out of my back and I will leave you alone! Until then... I will continue to annihilate your population!


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