What about a blast from the past.....? How many of us wished we could end up being in school again? Never mind the stupidity that comes with it...
I am back in Ipoh again after a month's hiatus and I cant begin to wonder what the new year will bring for me. I feel that its' gonna be a good one... even before the new year started, flipping through all those geomancy and feng shui prediction somehow got me more excited even though the odds were stacked against me.... I wonder why.
It could be a bad one for all I know but one thing's for sure, I cant wait to absorb those challenges. It has been a rather monotonous year for me in 2008 and I cant help to feel I was trying to balance things up and be on the safe side after hearing all those ill-predictions about my stature. This year, I aim to spice things up... :-)
Today is CNY eve... exactly a year back, I had my fair share of adventures, both good and bad. Last year, I was immobilized on the hospital bed on the 3rd Day of CNY... whatta way to start that year... I still remember those days and now, within a blink of an eye, its already 2009. That, my friend, is pretty scary. Last year was an evolution, from beers, to wine and finally champagne (been drowning pretty much towards end of last year and this year)... I have been spending lavishly (trying to boost the economy). This year will be no different.
Watch me GO!!!....
Gong Xi Fatt Chai