Friday, February 22, 2002

It's just human nature that we will never be satisfied with what we do or achieve unless we have reached a state of nirvana. Today, I was left grasping for air as a sudden memoir of unfinished tasks freaked me out totally... time was running out and the only thing that flickered through my brain nodes were...' Will I come undone?' I panicked all of a sudden and I tried running down myself by dismantling my energy reserves. It helped stop the cold sweat for a sec there but shit happens... we don't fight fire with fire...i was totally knackered at the end of the day and nothing was resolved. Stephie did well by pulling me out of my misery in the end and I soon discovered that it has been weeks now since I last did anything for myself! I have ran myself into a pitiful state, unrecognized by the ransacked look of strong will, and the worse part was I don't even remember how I looked like! I soon drifted into a silent and painful reality... self pity was my worst enemy but miraculously, I felt like a reborn child raring to climb my way up again after a freaky wake up call. It was all due to one little thing that she gave me... the soft spoken, gentle yet forceful renewed confidence that will be echoed through my senses for a long time. And these are life's little things that will keep me mesmerised with the rough and tough yet beautiful reality.

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