Saturday, February 23, 2002

Today was just like a mnemonic sequence of a pre programmed task being held in a queue and the traffic has just switch turns. It was nonetheless a better day than yesterday given the asserted confidence which extinguish the anguish in me. I felt as though the data bits sweeping through my nodes were conjured up by an enormous strength pushing me on even though I was physically drained out. As the day eased through, I began to look at life on another aspect, bringing me to the understanding that there will never be a cease fire at any front line battle nor will there be any breather in today's demanding schedule. If you are lagging, you're down and out and we just hafta learn how to keep up with it and survive. The balance hangs on how we perceive life to be and create a little place for ourselves to reminisce on the little good things we could do to beautify our mundane and pressurised life. Life is bitchy and stressful enough and we dont need another headache up our ass if you know what I mean... just hafta chill at times before we completely run out of steam! .... play it well and stick to our domain! It'll never go wrong...

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