Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Everyday I see a new face and each and everyone of them tells a story whether it is sad or happy.I asked myeslf today...' Why me?' Is this called lucky or vice versa? Do I have to? Unanswerable questions floods my mind but behind every step of the way, the Almighty up there has His own reasons. For what... I wouldnt know but it sure is for me, come what may. Another aspect of human form is the ignorance of something precious and special so much so that we only regret it when it's gone! I have foregone that step through observation and that's why, life's little things are so very much valued by me. I don't want my life to have a regrettable tomorrow but an envied possession. Self Indulgence would be a good start... believe me... it wouldn't be any better that that. Somehow or rather, you'll be able to come terms with it... which I hope is through realisation rather than remorse. It isn't easy... but it isn't hard too...

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