Monday, March 18, 2002

I am bemused that things have taken such a turnaround lately. Not that I opted for it and neither did I asked for it, I presume the Holy one up there has every reason to honour me with such changes. Anyway, I am getting more tongue tied now that it is approaching D-Day... I am fretting to be exact. Whenever I think about it, I would be trembling... it would take me a while before I regain my composure but hope when the time comes, I can be right on track! Wish me luck guys! Received a phone call from a faraway friend in Louisiana... a place that haunts me time and time again. Bruised and lacerated throughout the ordeal, I am sure I would never go back to that place again. But somehow or rather, this friend of mine survived the ordeal only to become almost like a celebrity in that university. Living life like never an international student would, he described over the phone how I have missed this and that. His voice betrayed my trust in that place... make no mistake, it was a very nice place but somehow or rather, I wasn't fated to be in there. Told me a whole lot of stuffs on his plan to travel the continent and on how he secured a job made me feel even small for a moment there. Thought about it for a moment.... 'Nah... what's the point?'. The biggest failure in everyone's life is to be comparing knowledge and luck with each other. It just puts you off... but hey (if the person reads this), I am doing fine here and guess what's yours is yours... you've earned it. Just wish me luck that what I have chosen today which differs from yours could offer me the same thing that you are going through now ok? Actually, coming to think of it, there are so many people out there who thinks that they control the situation and have the freaking right to impose advices on other people... honestly speaking, get a whole grip on ourselves before we move on to another person's problem! No point in belittling people now when they feel it themselves later if the same situation occurs upon them. No hard feelings though... just a frank advice.

Feeling subdued today... maybe its the usual Sunday blues for me immaterial if I work or not... or maybe I am just too used to the blues on Sunday that it affects me even when I am not. Just hope that this persistent moody feeling especially on Sunday disappears in the future. Or maybe it was because Arsenal and Man Utd. were still winning games! UrrrGGggHHhhh.........

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