Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Keeping my sanity from day to day isn't quite something that I planned when I was in college. It's not just something that was part of the plan but eventually it gets to you. I just received a call from my friend back home asking for help in a difficult situation... he wasn't in the most jovial mood as he has always been... and the deepening crisis that he has plunged himself into has saddened me deeply. Are we supposed to go through this stage of life to proceed on normally with our lives? Sometimes I see and hear students moan about their deepest crisis... and sometimes it gets to them. And I think to myself, my gosh... weren't they blessed with the most wonderful life that anyone can ask for? What about those students who were deprived of the luxury to even complete their studies? I was fortunate to have got this far to study... and even though I have been through this much, I still kept my composure and be thankful right at the very end that I was blessed with an education.

No offence to my friends who might be reading this but seriously, pick yourself up and be thankful for what you have today. I dare say that those elder than me would be saying the same thing about me moaning about life right now... but hey... I pick myself up no matter what happens... setbacks after setbacks and I can still say... Thank God and my parents. I know I am a bit of a hypocrite here when some matters do matter but hey... life is all about learning, aren't they? Happiness, Unhappiness... the most important thing is that we know how to differentiate them and sort them out accordingly without having to affect whatever that we are out to achieve. I have been told once about that... and this ought be given a few thoughts.

Anyway, all was calm and clear today except for the freaking gales and rain... wasn't that cool when it is supposed to be spring time. I know I have complained about this before and I still do it... but hey... life goes on and we hafta live with it. We can't change the inevitable... we just hafta figure out a way around it. The evitable ones are our own spawning because if we know there's a hole in the middle of a road, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that we need to avoid it...that is if we are sane and sound enough to think. Cheerio now... Live life efficiently... don't waste the years in the doldrums suffocating ourselves with inevitable issues!

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