Thursday, March 14, 2002

Perplexed by the mood of the day, I ran into an experience which unfold many stories. Throughout the day, I encountered moodiness but it did not end haphazardly. Something told me at the back of my head to calm down and relax... no one's gonna nip you. It was true after all and only after a while did I come out with a reasonable explaination to decipher what went wrong today and for the rare occasions that occured in the past... I was suffering from a nervous breakdown. Some people call it the Post Stress Disorder(PSD)... I had too much to think and worry about that when I am not doing anything during my break, anxiety takes over me. I wasn't like that before... but now it seems to me that it is almost inevitable in my life and for many others out there who are faced with numerous problems everyday. The only good thing about it is I manage to compose myself well and quickly before it gets to my head. Some don't and that's why shit happens. Anyway.. it is just one of 'dem days...

And it was a nice one Bob... hope you continue reading on. The fact that I only had one advert and no invitation as yet to my friends, it has been quite astonishing. Well... as I was saying yesterday, and I am sure many people share the same sentiments as me, that the problem which poses the biggest threat to spark a worldwide war is the Israel-Palestine conflict. September 11 would not have taken place if the issue was desolved before hand. And now to make matters worse, the unresolved conflict has not only been degraded to a mere spectre and left to rot but has totally changed directions with warheads aimed at Iraq and the pounding of Afghanistan. And yet, some governments still speak verbally with the confidence of a lunatic that they have the power and determination of Zeus to end terrorism! My word... have they forgotten the word discussion, negotiation, and most of all PEACE rather than inciting further terror to the already homeless, depleted and innocent men and women who have the every bit of right to live in GOD's created land? Should the people who incinerate the twin towers be punished for their inhumane acts? YES. Should they be brought to justice? YES. But should we also consider the root of all demons from where it started? YES! Think about it, you should be able to find out where the answer leads you to. By no means should anyone be sacrificed further for the world is already suffocated... bring in a tactful negotiator or mediator with no military background, but with the utmost determination and respect for peace... You will see a collective voice of utter agreement.

Once again, it is actually by no means of me to stop the rot, but I hope a voice can help, or even calm my thoughts. Shit happens anyway...

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