Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Unperturbed by the complexity of how or what the future lies ahead, it's beginning to make sense that it's in everyone's thoughts not by reality but by coincidence. I like to daydream once in a while to a faraway land, so peaceful and immaculate that I can live there forever but when reality slips in, the complicated reality torments my mind no further than my soul. It's not easy living a day, what more a life but still, we need to go through it no matter what. The only thing we can do is to be more vigilant, cautious and discipline in whatever we do or wherever we are… do not, and problems will unfold one by one. Today was a day of reflection into my inner self without inflicting any form of disbelief or pushing the self-destruct button. It was nonetheless a very relaxing day indeed from my usual routine where life knows no limits… no end… no entertainment and most of all, no certainty.

Coming to think of it, the all out looming war by the States are saddening me day by day… and the never ending conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis with 2 self-proclaimed nations bombarding each other in the most inhumane way… is there no way out of it? Why of all the land in the world, it has gotta be the holiest land of all to be involved in the bloodiest war of all times? Is this the beginning of the ‘2nd coming’? Is this the beginning spark of the ‘holy crusade’ to be launched against the entire world’s will? Will the occupying of lands stop? Will the people of all religions seize one day to think of the outcome they are landing themselves into? Was it worth the holocaust of today, remembered by the children of tomorrow? Things are never easy to solve… but it is also not hard to capture the moment of serenity once this conflict reaches its penultimate sorrow when the mellowness and melancholy sets in. Are our children of tomorrow going to discover a few more nations submerged beneath the book of deaths? Or will they ever know that long before their forefathers, there was an existence of 2 great nations of ultimate pride and holiness… Israel and Palestine? Or will they ever know that the States were once a wonderful country to live in with dignity and pride… why are people inflicting these catastrophes upon themselves?

Tomorrow will be another great day and I am going to cherish the beautiful life I have without a fuss. The world will be a better place to live in if not for the fanatics… It’s true…

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