Friday, April 05, 2002

How I wished yesterday’s sleep would come back to me… again, I didn’t sleep soundly today. Woke up in between intervals and this was the hardest part. Anyway, Blogger’s server seems to be breaking down more often than ever these days and that’s the reason why my weblogs aren’t as constant as before. But one good news… I will be starting my journals soon and all of you can view it later under the title of “Journals”. Keep a look out for it. It would depict true stories from all dimensions. It would be interesting.

Today was really busy. Aintree Racing Course held the Grand Nationals on the 1st but today was the start of 3 consecutive days of grand racing. It would be busy again tomorrow and I am tired… dead tired now. Funnily enough, I just couldn’t get myself to sleep even though I tried laying myself on the bed with my eyes closed. Finally, I got up again, switched on my computer and tried figuring out some other things to do… and here I am penning my daily log although it would be only tomorrow before I can publish it. It is the 5th of April today… tomorrow is a big day and 11 more days to go will be somewhat much scarier. To be honest, I have somehow evaded the big question of fear when it really matters. I know I should be handling this chance more effectively but it just seems as though it’s gonna be another sad case after all. So, why should I even bother to try? But another part of me tells me to value every chance that comes by no matter what… and when I feel I need to… I just don’t know where to start. Tried inspiring myself but just couldn’t get the edge or nerve to try. Hope something inspires me. Anyway…. received another letter with the pending status. Hope is all I can ever dream of…

Hey Louis… thanks for the phone call. Its good to know that you are doing well there… at least you are on for something big. So, don’t even think about sighing all day on your life because it’s much better than mine obviously at the moment! You should be glad even though it’s boring. Anyway… nice to hear from you and take care. Well well… so much for today. We’ll see how tomorrow goes and what it brings… hopefully for the better.


::Friday, 5 April 2002::

With 45minutes left on the clock before I shoot off to work... I have suddenly thought of the presentation which is making me freak out by the day. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to dwell on there? 15 minutes!! When I did my final year presentation, it was 20minutes but that was with questions by the panel as well... and I had facts to my project... now?? It sure is freaking me out and it is not good freaking out now! I'm stuck... ArrgGGghHHHhh..... ok ok... relax... calm down. Gotta go to work now... will figure that out later when I get back from work. God help me...

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