Monday, April 01, 2002

My hopeful day turned into a nice and quiet evening. Easter break is here and everyone’s out on their breaks and it was quiet. But I had a pretty nice surprise to be hearing from someone after so long and under the most unimaginable circumstances, the person appeared to be in Ireland now… Dublin to be exact! I had quite a shock when I spoke to the person and we had a wonderful chat after a long long time. He was well but I was kind of taken aback after what has happened over the past few years… different people certainly have different lives bestowed upon them and it is only through this way that we learn more about life.

Speaking to this person taught me a lot of things… that life is an eventful thing and one should never regret the paths that they took or look back at our mistakes. I was really elated over the call and I am planning now for my next trip to Dublin since I have not been there before… what more when there’s someone over there. Anyway, it was a tiring day for me and I barely had the energy to think. Went to my friend’s place after work to eat and chat… it was kinda nice to get my mind out of the everyday mess. Soon after, went back and as soon as I sat on my bed, I dropped dead! My muscles and joints were screaming out aloud and I just couldn’t get myself up again. Took a nap and I am back right in front of the monitor searching for clues, leads and everything else that matters.

But one thing for sure, we wont know how life can be tough if we have not got in touch with reality. I am glad in a way that I have stayed back to wonder for the time being because it has taught me so many things in so many ways and how we should appreciate life’s little things in so many wonderful ways. It’s no doubt that some people have the luck of the draw but I ain’t gonna complain about it because I feel grateful to be given this chance to venture into a whole dimension of the sciences of life. At the end of the day, after all the huffs and puffs, I am glad I am able to retire to a cozy room for me to think, ponder and be thankful. I don’t ask for much except for a reposed life and I hope my wish can be granted. Easy going guy with a thought for living, big ambitions but a composed and sound dream that can get me through the years. I am determined but at the mean time, I am still learning as I go on and I know one day, it’ll come true.

Gotta chuck now coz hafta attend to some other stuffs… will be attending to some business tomorrow and gonna take it plain easy tomorrow… smooth and easy. I long for these days.

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