Saturday, April 14, 2007

End of Week

The past week has been part of cleaning up shite left behind and part of tackling the project's shambles and lack of coordination. Now, its getting getting clearer and more obvious, that the project is totally screwed! Hence, with so many things happening for the past 1 or 2 weeks, tonight, I am going off early to get some rest, and have a movie marathon with Aszman. Its been a long time since I last sat down and have some time to myself. With a JD tonight... it would be fun and relaxing.

Truly, I want out from this company. I couldnt have imagined that my first project with the company would probably turn out to be the last one. I tried so hard to resist this thought and just get on with it but time and time again, management has given me no room for breather and on top of that, no support that I have been requesting for all the time. Its beginning to make me lose confidence in my role play in this project and to stop the slide, something has to be done. I cant let the company ruin what I've been trained to do. However, I must be grateful to them for gifting me the opportunity to step-start and learn more about the Chinese way of thinking and doing things.


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