Monday, August 13, 2007

It's The Week-End

Time passes by so fast. To me, its as though the weekend did not exist. Weekends to me are a nomenclature of "Go Slow"... I slower my pace to catch up with life as much as I can, trying to see the perspectives of what goes by, listening to some great tunes on radio (which pre-empts as my jukebox or Ipod)... and smell the other side of fast paced life, a walk through Sunday market nearby... I was intending to catch a movie today, "Bourne Ultimatum"... however, my schedule was disrupted.

Dinner with the Country Manager was ok. Nothing much was said except it felt strange that they came on to my table and knocked a few glasses on me. They kept pushing me, not with the Pakistan issue but with the beers... I was kinda surprised because I dont know them well. Guess it's the UFONE effect after all... in retrospect, Aszman, if you are seeing this, I wish you well on your journey back to Pakistan. As much as I wished you were not going back there even for 5 days, you have to be careful.

This forthcoming week will be tensed, what with the AP VP coming over. I am feeling the strain now as I continue with my quest. 1225am now... time to bid adieu one more time... tra...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are onto another step higher. You should demand more ;-)